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更新時間:2013-1-19  分享到:

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唵嘛呢叭唄吽(英文佛曲)  Ballad of Earth Store(地藏王菩薩謠)
因果律(英文佛曲)  Science & Buddhism 科學與佛教(英文歌曲全專輯)

護生卡通:人救猴一命 猴救人一村  終南山下的萬人禪修營
星雲說偈  淨慧法師《一聲喝下歇狂心》
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慧律法師《大般若海》  夢參老和尚《為什麼有些人念地藏聖號達不到效果》
龔玥《為你祈禱》(大悲咒)  大慈大悲千手千眼觀世音菩薩
慧律法師《佛法可貴之處在於要會用》  經典佛曲系列-晚課

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人生三論  「大乘善根界」與「二乘種不生」
千萬不要向阿彌陀佛請假  聖嚴法師:四眾佛子共勉語
如何使人相信三世因果  聖嚴法師:多情須講理

視頻介紹:作詞:星雲法師 作曲:佛光紐約青年團 編曲:JS組合陳忠義  The time has come to realize,Without world peace we can't survive,Our past is one that's filled with war,Compassion is what we are looking for,It fills me up with so much hope,To realize how beautiful,This world could be without anger,Which drives us all against each other Let's promise to us , our hearts and souls With wisdom we can gain control That's why we sing this song to you Just don't lost faith we're here for you So hold on and harmonize all that is wrong And work for a peace which is strong And gain some respect for this earch For all of mankind we will serve Let's harmonize all that is wrong And work for a peace which is strong And gain some respect for this earch For all of mankind we will serve

上一部影片:感動是最美的世界(台語) 下一部影片:佛光山之歌